Jan-Dec 2019 Million Baht % Million Baht % 1. HR Solutions 1.1 Human Resources and Payroll Outsourcing services 237.36 45.4% 257.09 41.9% 1.2 Income from software and human resources system 159.63 30.5
Million Baht % Million Baht % 1. HR solutions 1.1 Human Resources and Payroll Outsourcing services 60.16 45.8% 64.97 49.0% 1.2 Income from software and human resources system 45.58 34.6% 43.62 32.9
Jan-Mar 2020 Million Baht % Million Baht % 1. HR Solutions 1.1 Human Resources and Payroll Outsourcing services 64.97 49.0% 68.92 38.5% 1.2 Income from software and human resources system 43.62 32.9
disruptions Examples of emergency incidents are classified into a group for clearness and being a guideline for intermediaries for analysing possible impacts of various crises in order to specify more extensive
emergency incidents which may cause major operational disruptions Examples of emergency incidents are classified into a group for clearness and being a guideline for intermediaries for analysing possible
Software Licensing Agreement between ASB Cambodia with ACSM in total amount of 737,226 baht or 0.01% of NTA of the Company. - Board of Director’s meeting No. 2/2018 held on February 6, 2018, approved to
team of developing the new software. Besides, it also increased from the relocation costs during the end of the year. 73.21% 73.99% 67.82% 71.76% 10.49% 11.34% 17.82% 20.28% 13.55% 9.90% 6.78% 4.03% 2.74
, software, and man-day in services - Training fees : Fees depending on the expenses incurred during each training course - Design and renovation fees : Remuneration based on the nature, difficulty level for
Software Licensing Agreement between ASB Cambodia with ACSM in total amount of 737,226 baht or 0.01% of NTA of the Company Therefore, the total connected transaction approved by the Board of Directors
information or system. Clause 7. The securities company must provide a controlling measure which is sufficient for the developed or modified application software to have a correct, and complete data processing