increased 29.52% when compare to the same period of 2017, due to the increasing of the quantity of Sales. 2. Cost of goods sold was Baht 1,251.16 million, the gross profit margin was 7.26% increased from 6.50
1 57 .3 5 million or increased 13.12 when compare to the same period of 2017, due to the increasing of the quantity of Sales. 2. Cost of goods sold was Baht 1 ,2 8 0 .9 7 million, the gross profit
271.42 million or increased 29.27% when compare to the same period of 2016, due to the increasing of the quantity of Sales. 2. Cost of goods sold was Baht 1,021.58 million, and the gross profit margin was
Baht 20.16 Million or 1.38% when compare to the same period of 2019, due to the increasing of the quantity of Sales. 2. Cost of Sales was Baht 1,284.25 million, decreased 4.66% when compare to the same
Exchange 4. Mr. Aldo M Romani, Head of Sustainability Funding, European Investment Bank 5. Mr. Thomas Weinberg, COO, Finance Agency Federal Republic of Germany6. Mr. Martin
Head of Compliance
Head of Compliance
Head of Compliance
Head of Compliance
Head of Compliance