long Libra will stay is not certain but social media and cryptocurrency are expected to stay long.The overall picture of Libra: On 18 June 2018, Facebook and its founding members – the world’s 28
Office may collect and process the personal data of minors. For any activity related to the SEC Office, it is assumed that a minor cannot perform this activity on his or her own. The SEC Office will ensure
1 เลขที ่1 อาคาร ทีพี แอนด์ ที ชัน้ 14 ซอยวิภาวดีรังสิต 19 14th Floor, TP&T Tower 1 Soi Vibhavadee-Rangsit 19 Tel : (662) 936-1661-2 แขวงจตจุกัร เขตจตจุกัร กรุงเทพฯ 10900 Chatuchak, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand Fax : (662) 936-1669 ทะเบียนเลขที่ 0107554000097 Registration No. 0107554000097 HYDROTEK PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED บริษทั ไฮโดรเท็ค จ ำกดั (Translation) No. 024/0461 April 4, 2018 Subject Notification of the Board of Directors No.6/2018 Re: Convening the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Mee...
the Company’s objectives; (9) To consider to approve to authorize a nominated person to be authorize person for conducting certain matter regarding the Entire Business Transfer and Securities Allocation
consistent with the amendment of the Company’s objectives; (9) To consider to approve to authorize a nominated person to be authorize person for conducting certain matter regarding the Entire Business Transfer
or documents given by a client, the intermediary shall review and update such information without delay by taking the following actions: (a) gather and recheck information in addition to the normal
actions: (a) gather and recheck information in addition to the normal course of operation; (b) seek information on the source of income used for executing the client’s transactions; (c) arrange for the
actions: (a) gather and recheck information in addition to the normal course of operation; (b) seek information on the source of income used for executing the client’s transactions; (c) arrange for the
capture and storage) • Shifts in supply and demand for certain commodities, products, and services • Customer or community perceptions of an organization’s contribution to or detraction from the transition
Office may collect and process the personal data of minors. For any activity related to the SEC Office, it is assumed that a minor cannot perform this activity on his or her own. The SEC Office will ensure