-border transport 119.48 0 119.48 100 Logistics Management 85.47 85.06 0.41 0.48 Total Service Revenue 537.80 429.18 108.62 25.31 1. Revenue from marine cargo handling for the 3 months period ended 30 June
in the automotive industry have recovered. As a result, ocean freight began to resume playing a role in the Company's operating results. Cross Border Service is an alternative service that is very
ที่เป็นการซื้อขายหน่วยลงทุนแบบไม่เปิดเผยชื่อผู้ถือหน่วยลงทุนของกองทุนรวมภายใต้โครงการระหว่างประเทศดังนี้ ที่อยู่ในความดูแลของตัวแทนในต่างประเทศ (1) โครงการ Cross-border Offers of ASEAN Collective
?Plus Standards?. The overall Scheme is envisaged to bring greater efficiency and cost-saving for issuers undertaking cross-border offerings. The ASEAN Standards are based on the IOSCO2 standards on
of engagements with market participants on further developing the cross border offering of ASEAN collective investment schemes (CIS) to complement the recently enhanced ASEAN CIS framework.The ACMF
ACMF implemented the Professional Mobility Initiative to facilitate cross-border publication of research reports. The objective of this framework is to promote wider investor participation in the ASEAN
mutual acceptance of rules and regulations to accommodate cross-border capital raising and securities investments. In addition, the roundtable session was first introduced to the IOSCO APRC meeting
Regulations - PVD Act Ministerial Notifications Regulatory Summaries Fundraising Market Professionals Financial reporting and audit oversight Mutual Fund Cross-border Offering of Funds Business Operators
Regulations - PVD Act Ministerial Notifications Regulatory Summaries Fundraising Market Professionals Financial reporting and audit oversight Mutual Fund Cross-border Offering of Funds Business Operators
Regulations - PVD Act Ministerial Notifications Regulatory Summaries Fundraising Market Professionals Financial reporting and audit oversight Mutual Fund Cross-border Offering of Funds Business Operators