ธุรกรรมในตลาดรอง (Secondary Market) สมุดบันทึกรายการส่งค าส่ัง ส ำหรับบันทึกข้อมูลรำยกำรค ำส่ังเสนอซ้ือ (Bid) หรือค ำส่ังเสนอขำย (Ask หรือ Offer) ของผู้ลงทุน เสนอซ้ือหรือเสนอขาย (Orderbook) โครงสร้ำงข้อมูล
of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. SorNor. 5/2550 Re: Establishment of a Branch Office and Serving Customers by an Asset Management Company outside Its Office Premises and Office Hours
of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. SorNor. 5/2550 Re: Establishment of a Branch Office and Serving Customers by an Asset Management Company outside Its Office Premises and Office Hours
other party who is obliged to make payment for such goods at a given time in the future according to the amount and price as specified in the contract which is entered into outside the derivatives
party who is obliged to make payment for such goods at a given time in the future according to the amount and price as specified in the contract which is entered into outside the derivatives exchange; (b
party who is obliged to make payment for such goods at a given time in the future according to the amount and price as specified in the contract which is entered into outside the derivatives exchange; (b
. Ltd, is 20% held by Stronghold Asset Co. Ltd. 3. General details of the transaction Asset type : One equipped outside broadcasting vehicle equipped Transaction details : Gear Head Co. Ltd sold the
. Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission SorThor. 41/2543 Re: Approval for the Execution of Derivatives Transaction Outside the Stock Exchange of Thailand 08/09/2000 26/09/2000 5
. Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission SorThor. 41/2543 Re: Approval for the Execution of Derivatives Transaction Outside the Stock Exchange of Thailand 08/09/2000 26/09/2000 5
. Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission SorThor. 41/2543 Re: Approval for the Execution of Derivatives Transaction Outside the Stock Exchange of Thailand 08/09/2000 26/09/2000 5