Miss Jaruwan Bhusanabhibankup Miss Jaruwan Bhusanabhibankup, shareholder of Kokcharoen Green Energy Company Limited (KE), rendered assistance and support for Mr. Bhusana Premanode performed duties
Miss Ploykaew Pariswong Miss Ploykaew Pariswong rendered assistance and support for Mr. Bhusana Premanode performed duties dishonestly and seeking wrongful gains, which caused damage to International
Miss Kornrawan Sunprasert Miss Kornrawan Sunprasert rendered assistance and support for Mr. Bhusana Premanode performed duties dishonestly and seeking wrongful gains, which caused damage to
Mr. Bhusana Premanode Between April and May 2016, Mr. Bhusana Premanode, while being director and executive of International Engineering Public Company Limited (IEC), performed his duties
. Bhusana Premanode performed duties dishonestly, misappropriate the company's assets and seek wrongful gains, causing damage to International Engineering Public Company Limited (IEC) and arranged or
Mr. Nanthawat Bhudithaiyarasak Mr. Nanthawat Bhudithaiyarasak, a director of Energy System Engineering and Service Co., Ltd. (ESES), rendered assistance and support for Mr. Bhusana Premanode
province jointly with Mr. Chayakorn Akaramas, an office manager of the project and Mr. Bhusana Premanode, while being director and executive of IEC, performed their duties dishonestly, misappropriate the
province, jointly with the Mr. Maruphong Siriwat, a general manager of the project and Mr. Bhusana Premanode, while being director and executive of IEC, performed their duties dishonestly, misappropriate the
follows: (1) Mr. Bhusana Premanode, (2) Mr. Chanchai Khemwichien, (3) Ms. Ploykaew Pritsawong, (4) Mr. Marupong Sirica, (5) Mr. Chayakorn Akaramas, (6) Mr. Sunan Srijaipracharoen, (7) Mr. Saran
Mr. Bhusana Premanode During 2014-2015, Mr. Bhusana Premanode and Ms. Sunjutha Witchawut, former directors and executives of International Engineering Company Limited (“IEC”), with assistance or