likelihood of identified risks are assessed and prioritised, and that suitable risk mitigation strategies and plans are in place. br> 6.1.5 Considering the size and nature of the company, the board may
strategy, management approach, transparency, and governance that increase the likelihood that an Enterprise is operating sustainably and contributing positively to the SDGs. They do not provide a guarantee
participate in ICOs, since they can play an important role in contributing to the development of the white paper and help increase the likelihood of project’s success. However, each retail investor should be
higher number of years, it would suggest the likelihood that the audit team members had gone through a variety of audit engagements and manifested more competencies as well as more professional skepticism
estimated using the Probit Maximum Likelihood Estimation method. This model controls for growth opportunities, capital structure, and business cycle (Fama and French, 1995: Lang et al., 1996; Fama and French
technologies are not adequate by themselves. Ambitious performance standards create greater downward pressure and likelihood that (i) low carbon technologies will mature; and (ii) overall (and not just relative
Likelihood Rare (1), unlikely (2), possible (3), likely (4), very likely (5) Magnitude of impact Insignificant (1), minor (2), moderate (3), major (4), significant (5) Adaptability Very low (1), low (2
evaluate the level of ambition of the chosen KPI(s) as well as to assess the likelihood of the issuer to achieve the SPTs. 5-3 External verification of the performance against the SPTs is required under the
assessment. - The assessment is based on the likelihood and the impact. Source: abrdn TCFD Report 2021 18 Approach to prioritise risks
กระทบ พนัธกจิหลกัส านกังาน เกณฑก์ารประเมนิความเสีย่งการทจุรติ โอกาส (Likelihood) ต า่มาก (1) ต า่ (2) ปานกลาง (3) สงู (4) สงูมาก (5) มโีอกาสเกดิต า่มาก ตัวอยา่ง โอกาสเกดินอ้ยกวา่ รอ้ยละ 10 หรอืมากกวา่ 5