listed securities” which invest not less than 65% of net asset values in listed securities on SET. Investors are permitted to deduct an actual investment amount, but not exceed 200,000 baht, from annual
trading values and volumes to be inconsistency with normal market condition to mislead and lure the general public into such trading and were therefore in violation of Section 243(2) of the Securities and
' securities trading accounts. They traded UKEM shares in concealment on a continual basis and matched orders within the group to mislead the general public in UKEM share trading values and volumes, causing
January 2024. SEC Secretary-General said: “The SEC highly values our collaboration with the TLCA, which plays a crucial role as a forum for knowledge sharing and exchange of ideas among listed
Class 1 - Acquisition and Disposition of Asset Transaction with values less than 15%. Therefore, the Company are not required to perform any disclosure under the obligation of such Notification. Page 2
Fund (SSF) which has the policy on investing in listed securities on the local exchanges, called “SSF listed securities”, under the following conditions:(1) Not less than 65% of net asset values are
subsidiary did not appraised realization values of the machinery and plants of YNP and its subsidiary and also did not record the allowance for impairment of assets in line with the generally accepted
percent. Accordingly, the aberration in UKEM share trading values and volumes misled and lured the general public into the trading. The scheme was aided or abetted by {F} {G} {H} {I} {J} and two other
). The study was conducted to tackle two key research questions: (1) impact of change in saving rate from fixed percentage of the salary to values inversely proportional to age where saving rate decreases
when many players bought and sold SCIB-C1 more than 10 trading cycles. Although, their orders were amounted to hundreds of thousand warrants, the values were not relatively high, considered as typical of