2560 เอไอเอสยงัเน้นสรา้งความเป็นผูน้ าในธรุกจิมอืถอืโดยเฉพาะการใหบ้รกิารดาตา้ โดยวางแผนลงทนุเพื่อเพิม่ประสทิธภิาพของโครงขา่ย 4G และขยายการ ใชเ้ทคโนโลย ี2-Carrier และ 3-Carrier Aggregation ในบรเิวณพืน้ที
2560 เอไอเอสยงัเน้นสร้างความเป็นผู้น าในธุรกิจมอืถือโดยเฉพาะการให้บรกิารดาต้า โดยวางแผนลงทุนเพื่อเพิ่มประสิทธภิาพของ โครงขา่ย 4G และขยายการใชเ้ทคโนโลย ี2-Carrier และ 3-Carrier Aggregation ในบรเิวณพื้นที
growth of 60% y-y in 3Q18 or THB 226 mil., primarily due to business combination consolidated Thai British Security Printing Public Company Limited (“TBSP”) since April 4, 2018. Excluding TBSP, Company’s
contracts relating to the leasing out of the whole or substantial part of the Company’s businesses, the assignment to any other persons to manage the Company’s businesses, or the consolidation of such
Company’s businesses, or the consolidation of such business with other persons with an objective towards profit and loss sharing. Amended to read Article 40. In the shareholders meeting, a shareholder shall
. In 2019, we expect raw material supply and price to normalize from the existing high levels due to weaker crude oil environment and ample paraxylene and MEG supply additions. IVL is well positioned
, operating expenses increased from the consolidation of Permata’s operating expenses into the Bank’s consolidated financial statements. When excluding Permata, the Bank’s operating expenses increased from the
as oil, gold, or coffee. Consolidation approach: The identification of companies, businesses, organizations etc. for inclusion within the reporting boundary of the responding organization is known as
comparing to 2018 or 11.9% mostly due to soften Ethylene and Glycerin price from ample supply and lower crude oil price. Summary of Performance For Q1 2019, the Company and its subsidiaries recorded net
despite of the drastically decline in Ethylene and Glycerin price from ample supply plus lower crude oil price. 2. In Q2 2019, Selling and Administrative Expenses was 338 MTHB, increased by 59 MTHB or 21.1