. According to IGE and subsidiaries business plan evaluation as of 2018 is possible and benefit to company. However, impairment loss of investment in IGEN Engineering Company Limited of 83.14 million baht would
under Clause 2 such as date of occurrence and cause of such circumstance; (3) measure for solving possible effect on REIT in case of the circumstance occurred under Clause 2(1); (4) any other information
information and documents satisfactorily, and submit the corrected and audited financial statements for the year 2015 to the SEC as soon as possible. In addition, both companies must submit the corrected
Market Integration ? The SEC advised that the ASCO study possible impacts of ASEAN Capital Market Integration and adjust business plans or strategies in preparation for the integration which will enable
. In carrying out the investigation, two possible offences involved in the case, i.e., insider trading and front running, must be considered separately as follows:1. Insider trading ? According to
urgently solve its problems, such as loan defaults and failure to prepare an submit financial statements to the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) to avoid a possible delisting from the SET and mitigate
Companies Act B.E.2535 (1992) as soon as possible. They are also duty-bound to observe other laws associated with such order. Organizing a shareholders meeting in line with the DBD’s consideration would
activities, please contact SEC Help center via SEC website or Hotline 1207. If any possible violations of law under supervision of other agencies are found, SEC will cooperate with the relevant agencies for
mobilization and investments across ASEAN countries when the ASEAN Economic Community takes off in 2015. We are exploring opportunities and studying possible challenges for investors, fund raisers and business
favorable returns. Some SMEs operators see PE as treat to the ownership of the business or as possible business takeover. In fact, PE will facilitate strengthening of businesses in terms of funds, management