, Thailand’s pastry and bakery industry face fierce competition from both direct and indirect competitors as result from (1) Pastry and bakery industry face a threat from a price war; hence competitors often use
/บัตรเงินฝากของ บค. Investment grade ≤ 15% ของ NAV
way. Furthermore, in the event that the investment proposal is rejected, the company will face a material loss from the advanced payment for land acquisition in other projects, including the loss of
banks face financial problems. As a result, the floor conversion price has been standardized to reduce complexity and enable investors to learn of the highest exposure. In addition, banks will be able to
, a lot of different forms are in use and a lot of similar information is required in different forms. As a result, investors face the inconvenience of filling in the same information repeatedly every
investors. In face of the changing environment, such as technological development, volatility of the global financial and capital markets, impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and investors’ changing behaviors
limit damage to customers and the capital market in general in case the businesses face financial difficulty. The securities companies and derivatives brokers are presently required to maintain net
significant information that is necessary for investment decision making of investors. The important information section of a prospectus under paragraph one shall be typed in an easily legible font size, except
/CDD แทนตน ยกเวน เฉพาะในสวนที่เปนการพบลูกคา (face-to-face meeting) เมื่อลูกคามีการเปด บัญชีหรือเร่ิมทําธุรกรรม แตจะตองจดัใหมีการดําเนนิการตามเงื่อนไขที่กําหนด (third party reliance) • การทํา on
public would face investment difficulties as they received a lot of information but could not analyze and compare a variety of investment products available or were advised to purchase individual products