authorized to have the power to contact, negotiate, amend, agree, execute, and deliver all relevant documents, instruments, and/or agreements with the counterparties and/or any related persons relating to the
resolution (and seek other applicable approvals) to increase its shareholding in the Fund in order to hold at least 25 per cent of the total number of issued investment units of the Fund. The disposition of
the Stock Exchange of Thailand on the same day). T he Company intends to exercise such resolut ion (and seek other applicable approvals) to increase its shareholding in the Fund in order to hold at
into the relevant agreements in respect of the Transaction, in which contains conditions precedent, i.e. the completion of sale and purchase of shares in Hello LED under this agreement will take place
approved the Transaction, the Company will enter into the relevant agreements in respect of the Transaction, in which contains conditions precedent, i.e. the completion of sale and purchase of shares in
Transaction, the Company will enter into the relevant agreements in respect of the Transaction, in which contains conditions precedent, i.e. the completion of sale and purchase of shares in Hello LED under this
No. 10000/082/2560 17 July 2017 Subject: The payment of shares and entering into agreements under the conditions of the additional investment in Lithium Americas Corp. To: Directors and Manager The
(Section 98(7)) | - |- Accept purchasing or selling orders outside head office or branch | - |- Outsourcing Services | - |- Joint Management Agreement / Other Agreements |- Auditors | - |- Approval (Section
| - |- Outsourcing Services | - |- Joint Management Agreement / Other Agreements |- Auditors | - |- Approval (Section 106) |- Accounting and Financial Statements (Section 105, 106) |- Reporting Requirements (Section
outside head office or branch | - |- Outsourcing Services | - |- Joint Management Agreement / Other Agreements |- Auditors | - |- Approval (Section 106) |- Accounting and Financial Statements (Section 105