and comments to revise the regulations to be more flexible, easier to understand, clearer, and more appropriate.SEC has published relevant documents regarding public hearing at SEC website
and comments thereon, and revised them in order to be more flexible, easier to understand, clearer, and more appropriate. SEC has published relevant documents regarding
information to understand before selecting their investment policy, SEC had then discussed with relevant departments to revise the details of such regulations, in order for the provident fund members to
information to understand before selecting their investment policy, SEC had then discussed with relevant departments to revise the details of such regulations, in order for the provident fund members to
base in order to attract more investors to invest in the capital market, encourage long-term savings, and enable the country’s agricultural future contract market to grow effectively. Ruenvadee stated
Strategy "This collaboration between SEC and the Department of Industrial Promotion is considered a new dimension that will help the SEC understand the real needs, problems and obstacles. And the SEC will
investment returns must disclose the internal rate of return (IRR) to give investors information about both short-term and long term returns they expect to get before making an investment decision.For
. “SEC welcomes inputs from stakeholders as they can help us better understand the issues, obstacles and necessities of business operators, and subsequently address such matters appropriately. We support
the guidelines provided by the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society as well. “We all understand the current situation and acknowledge the limitations imposed on listed companies. All related
and disclosure of the rectification of internal control system according to the auditor and internal auditor?s comments and recommendations. He also failed to review and understand the company?s