งาน (Zoom) Virtual Pitching Event Impact Enterprise 20 : Growing social impact investment in Thailand 18.03.2021 Share on : Impact Enterprise 20 : Growing social impact investment in Thailand (Zoom
% share) established in 2014 at Hong Kong , business type is a holding company : Unimit Enginnering (Myanmar) Company Limited, wholly-owned subsidiary of Unimit (Hong Kong) Co., Limited. established in 2014
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www.interpharma.co.th Inter Pharma Co. Ltd. 140/9 ITF Tower, 9th Floor, Silom Road, Suriyawong, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand. Tel. 02-634-0225 Fax 02-634-0135 www.interpharma.co.th Type of Revenue 2019 2018 Change MB
Specialized Bank (Cambodia) Plc that increased 2% q-q and AEON Leasing Service (Lao) Company Limited that increased 106% q-q. This means that oversea business expansion is growing .Thus; the Company has
in building recurring revenue, with the recurring revenue from HR Solutions growing by 9.78mb or 11.7% and recurring revenue from Financial Solutions increasing by 2.22mb or 16.0% . However, the growth
growing by 16.30mb or 9.7% and recurring revenue from Financial Solutions increasing by 4.77mb or 16.5% . However, the growth in recurring revenue was partially offset by the reduction in non-recurring
growing by 18.46mb or 11.1% and recurring revenue from Financial Solutions increasing by 4.82mb or 16.7% . However, the growth in recurring revenue was partially offset by the reduction in non-recurring
Flexible packaging still continue growing compared to last year, due to the market size increased of the company in the past few months, the Covid-19 effects the rice industry operators to increased their
revenue. Gross Profit As a result of cost of services growing at a slower rate than the growth in revenue, we achieved a gross profit of 85.50mb (Q1 2019: 59.13mb) , an increase of 26.37mb or 44.6% . W e h