-24.2% Net Profit Margin (%) 4.7% 3.4% -1.3% Exclusion of 1-Time Items (THB Mn) Reversal of Provision for Decommissioning Costs Allowance for Impairment of Assets -17.3 - -0.7 8.7 -96.0% - Net Profit
, exclusion criteria or any other process applied to identify and manage potentially material environmental and social risks associated with the Green Projects. 10 ASEAN GREEN BOND STANDARDS 2018 4.2.2 The
determines how the projects fit within the eligible Green Projects categories identified above; • the related eligibility criteria, including, if applicable, exclusion criteria or any other process applied to
determines how the projects fit within the eligible Social Project categories identified above; and (iii) The related eligibility criteria, including, if applicable, exclusion criteria or any other process
issuer’s overarching objectives, strategy, policy and/or processes relating to social sustainability. • Provide information on the related eligibility criteria, including if applicable, exclusion criteria
; • the process by which the issuer determines how the projects fit within the eligible Social Project categories identified above; • the related eligibility criteria, including, if applicable, exclusion
-Timber Forest Products - NTFP) ..................................................... 24 3.5 ข้อกำหนดสำหรับการอนุรักษแ์ละฟื้นฟูพ้ืนท่ีป่าไม้และพื้นท่ีนอกป่าไม้
a responsible sourcing policy for various products such as – beef, seafood, palm oil, soy, and timber. As a part of its ‘multi- 23 United Nations, Global Compact, at: https://www.unglobalcompact.org
, including if applicable, exclusion criteria; and also disclose any green standards or certifications referenced in project selection. • Have a process in place to identify mitigants to known material risks of
focus on sustainability also often have exclusion criteria and minimum requirements with respect to ESG performance. Investors may take into consideration the broader conduct of the issuer in order to