การที่ไม่ได้จัดงานประจ าปีในเดือนมิถุนายนตามที่ได้อธิบายไวแ้ล้ว อย่างไรก็ตาม ใน ระหว่างไตรมาส 1 บริษทัได้ออกคอลเล็กชั่นใหม่ ได้แก่ Prosperous Fortune Collection ส าหรับเทศกาลตรุษจีน และ Sweet Sonata
such as fresh roasted coffee for adults or sweet beverage for kids with appropriate price and accessibility to every area. The Company is also expanding its energy business through self-service petrol
utilisation rate of all products, an investment in new media products and a reduction of internal cost in order to become more competitive amidst the ever-changing environment. During the second quarter, the
maintain financial flexibility amidst of crisis as well as long term sustainable growth as follow In the first quarter of 2020 (1Q2020), Central Retail Corporation Public Company Limited and its subsidiaries
carried out in Q2/2020. Management Discussion & Analysis Q1/2020 Positive signal from Mikka Coffee Stand amidst the pandemic In Q1/2020, After You introduced and piloted new coffee stands under the brand
strategy AIS Fibre (Broadband business) growth continued amidst a competitive environment, gained 81,600 subscribers in this quarter, and landed a total subscriber of 937,000. Hence, we maintain our target
strategy AIS Fibre (Broadband business) growth continued amidst a competitive environment, gained 81,600 subscribers in this quarter, and landed a total subscriber of 937,000. Hence, we maintain our target
personal care revenues recorded at THB 678 million, an increase of 0.5% YoY). The growth driver were the continued success of Babi Mild from the momentum of Babi Mild Sweet Almond range launched in Q2’19 and
, sweet and salty. The menu is a fusion of Thai desserts and bakery that is targeted at customers who enjoy Thai desserts. The menu helped to increase the Company's revenue during the quarter. Expansion of
berry shaved ice, with a sweet and sour berry flavor, filled with mango, banana, and mochi balls, drizzled with smooth cream, sprinkled with cocoa nibs and blueberries, and served with Nutella sauce. Ø