Minus), “Stable” outlook and affirms the rating of LH BANK’s Basel III Tier 2 capital securities at “BBB” (Triple B Straight) by TRIS Rating. LH Financial Group Public Company Limited Management
, and 4) Mayongchid Panna Cotta Frappe. Note: The restaurant service business includes dessert shops, cafes, bars, limited-time restaurants, and self-service restaurants. Dividend Approval for Fiscal Year
percent, because the growth of the same store sales of the domestic restaurants and bakery shops are decreased by 4. 4 percent as a result of an domestic economic slowdown and the growth of the same store
, because the growth of the same store sales of the domestic restaurants and bakery shops are decreased by 3. 2 percent and 7. 2 percent respectively as a result of an domestic economic slowdown and the
of THB 8 million or equivalent to an increase of 0. 4 percent from 520 restaurants and bakery shops in both domestic and international businesses. The growth of the same store sales of the domestic
, residential buildings, offices, shops, restaurants, hotels, schools, playgrounds, auditoriums, factories, warehouses, and other places. 3. Selling and administrative expenses Selling and administrative expenses
represented 83.79%, increased by 100% due to the Company have new spray service for all types of residential buildings, offices, shops, restaurants, hotels, schools, playgrounds, auditoriums, factories
, such as air- conditioning coaches, souvenir shops, large restaurants selling food and beverages, and several playthings and games. As a result, Safari World becomes the tourist attraction that suits all
of revenue from space rental of “The Brio Mall” which plans for site development plan, screens more variety of shops including setting up interesting activities to meet the target group and recognize
หรอื รอ้ยละ 8.06 โดยสว่นใหญม่าจาก คา่ใชจ้่ายจากธุรกจิของกลุ่มบรษิทั แอรโ์รคลาส ในต่างประเทศ ไดแ้ก ่คา่ใชจ้่ายในการจดัตัง้รา้นคา้ ของตนเอง (Corporate shops) และคา่ใชจ้่ายของ Flexiglass ซึง่ไดซ้ือ้กจิการ