revised to be in accordance with the real estate business slowdown, particularly in the residential condominium section. Single house projects and real estate service business are developed to expand the
. The income from residential condominium development and sale is maintained at ten billion THB per annum. The growth of the development of single house projects is at least 50% of that of residential
from sales of single house projects, it is similar to that of Q1/2020. The income from rental and service business increases 27.97% from the same quarter of the previous year. It is as a result of the
found at 2. In December 2017, the NBTC has announced new progressive rates of the license fee. Operators are required to calculate the new rates retroactive
backlog of the Company and subsidiary companies is 7,600 million THB i.e. 6,800 million THB from residential condominium and single house projects to be handed over in 2019 and 800 million THB from those to
ประเทศ -> หน่วยกองอสังหาฯ และตราสาร REITs single fund limit ≤ 10% ; total fund limit ≤ 20% (ข้อ 74 ประกาศ สน. 24/2552) single fund limit ≤ 15% (ข้อ 62(6) ประกาศ สน. 24/2552) single fund limit ≤ 15
การยื่นแบบ EF-2/EF-3 เพื่อขอสิทธิการใช้งานระบบ IPOS single portal (การขึ้นทะเบียนตราสารหนี้ระยะสั้น) SHARE : ติดต่อสอบถามข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม ContactUs SEC Help Center โทรศัพท์ 1207
legal requirements. The SEC also supported financial statements data linkage through a single point e- Filing system available in many languages to facilitate accurate analysis of financial statements
expand the income base. As for real estate development business, the ratio of single house project development is increased to enhance business growth. As for real estate service business, the Company aims
business type is as follows: 1. Real Estate Development Business: 1) Income from residential condominium decreased 2.43290 billion THB or 28.24% from 2018. 2) The development of single house projects has