in Happy Products and Service Co., Ltd., which the highest transaction value equals to 0.41 percent based on the total value of consideration criterion and the 3-month interim consolidated financial
gives the public a more convenient access to one-stop services on investment advice and the co-launch of the Happy PVD Company project with the industry alliance to promote sufficient savings for post
, for example, the launch of Wealth Advice for All initiative which gives the public a more convenient access to one-stop services on investment advice and the co-launch of the Happy PVD Company project
: “CDP is delighted to partner with the Securities and Exchange Commission on this important programme, putting our 20 years of data, insights and expertise at their disposal. This partnership will be
corporate governance practices in line with international standards. We are truly delighted that Thai listed companies continue to progress in their practice, making Thailand the country with the most
organized as a commemoration of the International Women’s Day and to further highlight the importance of gender equality and women’s leadership roles. In relation to this, we are delighted to announce the
organized as a commemoration of the International Women’s Day and to further highlight the importance of gender equality and women’s leadership roles. In relation to this, we are delighted to announce the
of the World Federation of Exchanges (WFE), SET is delighted to participate in the 10th Ring the Bell for Gender Equality initiative in collaboration with partners in Thailand. SET actively promotes
ษิทัฯ ถอืหุน้ใน NNV คดิเป็นรอ้ยละ 99.99 ของจ านวนหุน้ทีจ่ าหน่ายไดแ้ลว้ทัง้หมดใน NNV) ใหเ้ขา้จองซือ้หุน้สามญัเพิม่ทุนทีอ่อกใหม่ใน บรษิทั แฮปป้ี โปรดกัส ์แอนด ์เซอรว์สิ จ ากดั (“Happy”) ซึง่ประกอบธุรกจิการ
Day."As a member of the World Federation of Stock Exchanges, the Stock Exchange of Thailand is delighted to have participated, for the 9th consecutive year, in the Ring the Bell for Gender Equality