the Bank of Thailand (BOT), organized financial and investment lectures for the public under the topic, “Protecting Thai Finances in the Digital Era.” The event aimed to enhance public awareness on
ปี 2564 (Ease of Doing Business 2021) ตัวชี้วัดที่ 6 การคุ้มครองผู้ลงทุนเสียงข้างน้อย (Protecting Minority Investors) และได้เชิญผู้แทนจากสำนักงานศาลยุติธรรม กรมพัฒนาธุรกิจการค้า กระทรวงพานิชย์
measures for protecting shareholders and investors.“Supervision of securities trading activities to ensure market orderliness and fairness is one of the measures for protecting the interests of shareholders
are different from REIT regulations. For example, the real estate-backed ICO currently lacks a mechanism for monitoring and overseeing the management of assets and for protecting the interest of
value Our 5G network continued to expand and covered 25% of population, focusing on the high-usage area and utilizing the largest bandwidth of 2600MHz to deliver superior customer experience versus our
principles for governments to follow in developing their regulatory frameworks, recognising the importance of supervisory, regulatory and enforcement authorities in ensuring effective implementation. Broad
reduction is mainly due to improved productivity. We are on track to improve our gross and net profits by ensuring that any increase in our costs is lower than our growth in sales. Gross Profit As a result of
ensuring readiness of market participants.
ensuring readiness of market participants.
ensuring readiness of market participants.