sharing of gain from investment value of the associates and joint venture, for the 1st quarter 2018 amounted to Baht 0.25 million with the details as follows; 1. SAFE Energy Holdings Company Limited (SAFE
ventures in quarter 3, the balance of Baht 1.2 million was described as followed: 1. SAFE Energy Holdings Company Limited (“SAFE”) is the joint venture that the Company holds 33.37%. Currently, the project
and China weakened international trade and increased the risk of the global economy being driven into recession. Given these circumstances, investors resorted to increasing their holdings of safe-haven
: QUALITECH PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED SAFE: Safe Fertility Group Public Company Limited UBA: Utility Business Alliance Public Company Limited WHAUP: WHA UTILITIES AND POWER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED ล้างเงื่อนไข
in joint ventures in the period ended 31 December 2019, the balance of Baht 5.30 million and Baht 3.53 million respectively were described as followed: 1. SAFE Energy Holdings Company Limited (“SAFE
ventures in the first quarter of 2019, the balance of Baht 1 million was described as followed: 1. SAFE Energy Holdings Company Limited (“SAFE”) is the joint venture that the Company holds 33.37%. Currently
2019, the balance of Baht 1 million was described as followed: 1. SAFE Energy Holdings Company Limited (“SAFE”) is the joint venture that the Company holds 33.37%. Currently, the project has commenced
of Baht 1 million was described as followed: 1. SAFE Energy Holdings Company Limited (“SAFE”) is the joint venture that the Company holds 33.37%. Currently, the project has commenced the operation of
4/ SET ESG Ratings n/a Ranking by Industry Business 4/ Company Profile 4/ Field name Detail Address 1706/26 Safe Box Office Building, Room No. 8, 9, 10, 11, 2nd Floor, Rama 6 Road, Rong Mueang
ของปี2561มากกว่า กาํไรในไตรมาส เดยีวกนัของปี2560 สาํหรบัรายการสว่นขาดทนุ จากเงนิลงทนุในบรษิทัรว่มคา้ ในปี 2561 เทา่กบั 3.53 ลา้นบาท เกดิจาก 1. บรษิทั เซฟ เอนเนอรจ์ ีโฮลดิง้ส ์จาํกดั (SAFE) ในฐานะบร