In the past, SEC had been approving securities business operators to assign outsourcing in other operations related to businesses for the effectiveness and flexibility of the operation. Business
, underwriter will be required to seek client?s information sufficient to learn of client?s investment objective and understanding on the product. For the purpose of flexibility and practicality, underwriter is
expansion and national long-term competitiveness.The SEC regulations on establishment of infrastructure fund have been in place with more flexibility such as value of investment property in case of power
channel for REIT to obtain a loan at a lower cost with more flexibility while more financial product variety will serve investors with further investment choices. In addition, the new regulations will help
Bangkok, March 3, 2014 ? The SEC Board approved the amendments to regulations on trustee of real estate investment trusts (REITs) to enhance flexibility and facilitate REIT development.Vorapol
) and organizations of capital market business operators. This aims at preparing Thai capital market?s infrastructure to be more responsive to global changes, enhance flexibility of supervisory structure
public. In addition, as the disadvantage of double taxation has been eliminated, PE trust will be more advantageous than PE company with more flexibility in repayment of capital. The offering of PE trust
Thailand, which entered into force on 16 June 2021. These amendments help to enhance flexibility for DR issuers and to increase investment options for investors. This initial collaboration between SGX and
Bangkok, October 2, 2007 ? The SEC is conducting a public hearing on the proposed amendments to the shelf filing rules for the issuance of short-term debt securities to facilitate greater flexibility
, 2019 onward. Revision has been made for escrow agent transactions to ensure increased flexibility; the Escrow Regulation Committee has been given more powers and obligations in supervising and