)% (40) 17 (328)% Total tax on Inventory gains/(losses) 3 8 (3) (214)% (1) (2) (35)% Net profit, before extraordinary items 93 51 190 (51)% 700 555 26% Add: Non Operational/Extraordinary income/(expense
% Inventory gains (losses) (38) (78) 18 (311)% (40) 17 (328)% Total tax on Inventory gains/(losses) 3 8 (3) (214)% (1) (2) (35)% Net profit, before extraordinary items 93 51 190 (51)% 700 555 26% Add: Non
(68)% 536 708 (24)% Add: Non Operational/Extraordinary income/(expense) (6) 24 17 (136)% 29 138 (79)% Acquisition cost and pre-operative expense, (5) (7) (11) (59)% (30) (28) 5% Gain on Bargain
18 (22) 49 18 174% Total tax on Inventory gains/(losses) (1) (3) 1 (5) (4) 13% Net profit, before extraordinary items 242 190 89 173% 708 374 89% Add: Non Operational/Extraordinary income/(expense) 17
profit, before extraordinary items 315 242 145 116% 877 440 100% Add: Non Operational/Extraordinary income/(expense) (8) 17 (40) (81)% 170 (39) Acquisition cost and pre-operative expense, (8) (11) (4) 110
, risk factors, board members, etc. New issues in this 6 G20/OECD PRINCIPLES OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE © OECD 2015 chapter include the recognition of recent trends with respect to items of non-financial
CDP is a global environmental impact non-profit working to secure a thriving economy that works for people and planet. 11 ABOUT CDP CDP CAPITAL MARKETS | @CDP CDP runs the global disclosure system that
315 130 (61)% Add: Non Operational/Extraordinary income/(expense) 21 124 (83)% 18 (8) 167 (89)% Acquisition cost and pre-operative expense, (35) (16) 119% (10) (8) (7) 34% Gain on Bargain Purchases
management firms should have CSO, working group(s), functional group(s)? • How the policies are communicated and cascaded to operational functions? • Whether and how remuneration policy is linked to climate
judicial system. Recommendations: Asian legal systems should continue to improve regulatory and judicial enforcement capacity to allow shareholders, especially non-controlling shareholders, to seek legal