;NINE"); and - 17 Febuary 2015 to 2 March 2015 joined with other 4 persons manipulating the warrant price of NINE-W1. 28/02/2020 filed a lawsuit to a civil court26/03/2018 referred the
- 17 Febuary 2015 to 2 March 2015 joined with other 4 persons manipulating the warrant price of NINE-W1. 28/02/2020 filed a lawsuit to a civil court26/03/2018 referred the case to a state
2015 joined with other 11 persons manipulating the share price of Nation International Edutainment Public Company Limited ("NINE"). 31/07/2021 filed a lawsuit to a civil court26/03
2015 joined with other 16 persons manipulating the share price of Polaris Capital Public Company Limited ("POLAR"). 11/06/2021 filed a lawsuit to a civil court26/03/2018 referred the
2015 joined with other 16 persons manipulating the share price of Polaris Capital Public Company Limited ("POLAR"). 11/06/2021 filed a lawsuit to a civil court26/03/2018 referred the
other 16 persons manipulating the share price of Polaris Capital Public Company Limited ("POLAR"). 11/06/2021 filed a lawsuit to a civil court26/03/2018 referred the case to a state
2015 joined with other 16 persons manipulating the share price of Polaris Capital Public Company Limited ("POLAR"). 11/06/2021 filed a lawsuit to a civil court26/03/2018 referred the
Public Company Limited ("NINE"). 28/02/2020 filed a lawsuit to a civil court26/03/2018 referred the case to a state attorney for filing a lawsuit to a civil court currently under
("NINE"). 28/02/2020 filed a lawsuit to a civil court26/03/2018 referred the case to a state attorney for filing a lawsuit to a civil court currently under the Court of First
("NINE"). 28/02/2020 filed a lawsuit to a civil court26/03/2018 referred the case to a state attorney for filing a lawsuit to a civil court currently under the Court of First