Company was possible to generate profit from this business unit since there were Made to Order. Which is managing the raw material used to produce edible oil to be profitable. But the storage of crude palm
or recommended for the portfolio. It should not be assumed that an investment in these securities or sectors was or will be profitable. Issuer name Consumer Products – Nutrition Country China Ticker
ริษทัฯในอุตสาหกรรมการ ผลิตและจ าหน่ายน ้ามนัไบโอดีเซลจากน ้ามนัปาลม์ดิบนั้นมีปัจจยัความเส่ียงหลกัท่ีมีอยู่ตามลกัษณะการด าเนินงานของบริษทัฯ (Inherent Risk) ท่ีสร้างผลกระทบต่อผลการด าเนินงานของบริษทัฯอย่า
มนัไบโอดีเซลจากน ้ ามนัปาลม์ดิบนั้นมีปัจจยัความเส่ียงหลกัท่ีมีอยูต่ามลกัษณะการด าเนินงานของบริษทัฯ (Inherent Risk) ท่ีสร้างผลกระทบต่อผลการด าเนินงานของบริษทัฯอยา่งมีนยัส าคญั ไดแ้ก่ ความเส่ียงจากความผนัผ
refining service’s volumes also share the Company’s overhead costs, which help to maintain production cost as low as possible. The Company is still profitable regularly because there is no risk of
and +0.5% QoQ. Customer perception is gradually improving after the launch of AIS NEXT G and differentiated offerings. In addition, a focus on profitable segments resulted in strong postpaid net
that the acquisition of shareholding of Rajthanee-Rojana Hospital is appropriated and profitable to the company as following reasons. No. Name Relationship to the Company Number of share in the Company
Lock Downs in other major businesses. It can generate earnings to remain profitable in both the mobile distribution business, personal loan business and real estate development business. The details of
-products but then the market price of by-products is increased, which became profitable in 3rd quarter of 2020. 2. Cost of Refining Service There was no Refining Service transaction since 2nd quarter of 2019
business unit since there were Made to Order. Which is managing the raw material used to produce edible oil to be profitable. But the storage of crude palm oil cannot be stored separately. As a result, the