12 A securities company shall not mislead its counterparty regarding material facts of securities trading by refraining from disclosure of information, distortion of information, or giving false
owners pursuant to section 82 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992) within one year from the date on which the fact that the registration statement contained false information becomes known
information, or give false information to counter trader. Clause 12. Securities company shall not purchase or sell any securities by using inside information which is likely to have an advantage against third
mislead counter trader about the essential details of securities trading, by refrain from information disclosure, distort information, or give false information to counter trader. 8 Amended by Notification
of securities trading, by refrain from information disclosure, distort information, or give false information to counter trader. 8 Amended by Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission No
information in the Documents and hereby certify that the Documents is accurate, complete and contains, no false information; no material facts which are necessary or must be included in the Information
obstruction for justice such as providing relevant facts or evidence, concealing or destroying relevant evidence, or giving false information; (6) complexity of actions or means such as using the names of other
which the fact that the registration statement contained false information becomes known or should have been known, but not exceeding two years from the effective date of registration statement.” 3
the registration statement contained false information becomes known or should have been known, but not exceeding two years from the effective date of registration statement.” 2 CONTENTS Page I
, concealing or destroying relevant evidence, or giving false information; (6) complexity of actions or means such as using the names of other persons or setting up a nominee company; (7) record of behaviors