พัฒนาแห่งสาธารณรัฐฝรั่งเศส (Agence Française de Développement : AFD) ร่วมกับสำนักงานนโยบายและแผนทรัพยากรธรรมชาติและสิ่งแวดล้อม (สผ.) และสถาบันสิ่งแวดล้อมไทย (Thailand Environment Institute: TEI) เพื่อ
rating agencies in response to the changing business environment and in line with the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) standards. The revision requires that locally-based CRAs
Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) and Common Equity Tier 1 ratio (CET1) stood at 19.6 percent and 16.0 percent, respectively. The evolving business environment in 2019 required commercial banks in Thailand to
demonstrated a cautious growth from expansions of private consumption and tourism sector, while facing global and local economic headwinds and challenges from high interest rate environment. Overall, AIS
the framework of information exchange and capacity building for FinTech development and sustainable finance may also be raised for discussion during the summit.Furthermore, SEC Secretary-General and
, with a manufacturing capacity of 50 tons per day. In this connection, the Company will have Environment Pulp and Packaging Co., Ltd., which is a subsidiary of the Company, act as the project company, the
well as regulatory burden. This would lead to more efficiency and clarity. We have also committed ourselves to promote best practices of environment, social and good governance as well as human rights in
effective manner to reduce non-recyclable and single-use waste to the minimum. The campaign attracted a number of business sector units and was officially launched on 4 December 2019, Thai Environment Day
effectively. In this exciting environment, companies that are able to adapt themselves are more likely to survive and outperform their counterparts. In anticipation of such developments, VGI was the first
stimulus measures. Against this backdrop, KBank has established its business direction primarily by considering the balance of three dimensions – economy, society and environment – under good corporate