million Baht in the 2nd quarter of 2019, and net loss of 2.20 million Baht in the 2nd quarter of 2018. The Company’s net loss has increased 14.73 million Baht or 669.55 % from the previous year. In the 2nd
6,101 stations as of June 30, 2020 driven by the government policies. Due to upward CPO price, methyl ester price in 2Q2020 has increased to 30.42 Baht/kg. , rose by 5.94 Baht/kg. or 24% compared to
and the sale of holiday club memberships increased by Baht 167 million. The difference is largely attributed to the revenue recognition of property sales projects namely Cassia Phuket which were higher
employee-related costs increased by Baht 1.5 million. Services income from providing online advertising for products and services Services income from providing online advertising for products and services
increased degree of uncertainty in global economies and trade policies, businesses may have to contend with Thai Baht volatility and rising interest rate trends. Acting upon our strategy of strengthening
the 3rd quarter of 2020, and net loss of 79.97 million Baht in the 3rd quarter of 2019. The Company’s net profit has increased by 134.95 million Baht or 168.75 % from the previous year. When compared
protection to investors, a distinction can usefully be made between ex ante and ex post shareholder rights. Ex ante rights are, for example, pre-emptive rights and qualified majorities for certain decisions
Microsoft Word - MDA FY18 EN February 20, 2019 To President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject Notification on the difference of revenue from sales and net profit YOY by more than 20 percent
was THB 26.28 million, while that in 2018 was THB 107.53 million. The THB 81.25 million increase in 2018 was equivalent to 309.23 percent. Costs of service in 2018 increased from 2017 by THB 45.94
Microsoft Word - MDA Q319 EN.docx November 11, 2019 To President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject Notification on the difference of revenue from sales and net profit YOY by more than 20 percent