Currently, investors are usually required to provide a lot of information each time they request services from an intermediary and must repeat the process via different forms when using services of
arrangements. We refer to both non-executive and independent non-executive directors (also known as ‘outside directors’) throughout the Principles. This recognises the different approaches to board composition
ensure that such investors would have adequate access to relevant information to better understand financial products before making well informed investment decisions.?The consultation paper is available
follows: (1) Implement a policy on fintech application at board or executives level ; (2) Have persons understand the basic principles of technology usage;(3) Allow fund managers or
decisions. We measure value through a certainty-equivalent utility-adjusted retirement income metric. Gamma will vary for different types of investors and for different strategies; however in this paper we
key sections : (1) Investment planning: Proving information on tools to assist investors to understand themselves better and plan their investments more effectively, such as tools for
that impacts economic decisions, e.g. SASB, TCFD All stakeholders who want to understand a corporate’s positive and negative contribution to sustainable development, e.g. GRI Standards All corporates and
Extreme weather, floods and droughts happened around the world. • Opportunities for green growth Businesses in different sectors need to adjust their business model and come up with innovative products
used by financial analysts to understand a company’s efficiency and profitability based on data found in financial statements. Use: The primary way of aggregating an economic activity to a company level
sufficient information for use in investment decision making, and the nature and presentation of said information shall be in accordance with the following rules: (1) The language shall be easy to understand