access to investment-related information. To fulfill this mission, the SEC developed the "Mutual Funds Insight" microsite to serve as a center of knowledge, services, and tools related to mutual fund
. It is aligned with the GHG Protocol. Applicable programs and standards TCFD The Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) developed a framework to help public companies and other
forecast of 3.5 percent, due to anticipated weakness in developed economies throughout the first half of 2019. The global slowdown will not only dampen the international trade and investment atmosphere, but
operating performance of the wholly-owned subsidiaries of KBank was also satisfactory in terms of quantity and quality due to the concerted efforts of all units involved. KASIKORN SECURITIES PCL has developed
excess of US$ 26 trillion. ICGN Principles and Guidance are therefore substantively developed from an investor perspective, while taking into account other parties including companies, professional
integrated risk management (IRM), effective capital management and creation of a culture of risk awareness organization-wide. All these efforts are aimed at maintaining KBank’s stability as a leading financial
was uneven, with improvement concentrated in only certain industries. Under these circumstances, KBank has developed effective credit risk management policies, tools and processes to cope with potential
involves six-pronged cyber capabilities i.e., effective risk identification, advanced cyber threat prevention, real-time data protection, proactive situation awareness and detection, effective incident
employees will have money to spend after they retire from work and as security for their families to enhance their quality of life; 2. supply side -- to create awareness of small and medium-sized
? awareness and preparation of policy formulation, introduction of products and creation of public awareness. In addition, it also proposed implementation guidelines in developing strategy to motivate people