information (paragraph........); and having additional paragraph explains the matter of: ฆ 3.2 Inability to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence and the possible effects are material, resulting from: ฆ
September 2021, being 12 months after the date of its approval. The obligation to supplement this Prospectus in the event of a significant new factor, material mistake or material inaccuracy does not apply
as those of the auditors. Being well aware of this fact, the SEC has regularly communicated and emphasized this matter to the stakeholders through various kinds of activities. For example, the SEC
accordance with the Thai Financial Reporting Standards and the rules provided under Clause 13, Clause 14, Clause 15, Clause 16 and Clause 17. Clause 13 In case the presentation of information in any matter is
businesses in this matter, and the SEC Board Meeting No. 15/2563 dated 3 December 2020 has passed a resolution approving the principles thereof. This proposal aims to ensure appropriate supervision of digital
hearing on this matter to gather comments and suggestions from the public and stakeholders. Most of the respondents agreed with the principles and the proposed amendments to the governing regulations. The
owner is given. All requests for public or commercial use and translation rights should be submitted to Requests for permission to photocopy portions of this material for public or
operation of the company in a significant manner, whether as a result of being a shareholder or authorized under an agreement or any other matter, especially a person falling under any of the following
statement of an offer for sale of securities in the category of units. “investor” means any person interested in investing in units. “statement” means any matter or fact, whether alphabetic, numeric, audio
make any transaction related to such assets to consider the matter thoroughly and cautiously by taking into account both expected interest and potential risks and impacts. In addition, directors and