Mexico and France (formerly Performance Fibers), a leading producer of durable technical textiles for industrial, tire reinforcement, and specialty applica- tions. Glanzstoff also commenced single-end cord
Mexico and France (formerly Performance Fibers), a leading producer of durable technical textiles for industrial, tire reinforcement, and specialty applica- tions. Glanzstoff also commenced single-end cord
demand faced contraction in the same direction as private consumption on durable goods and services significantly contracted because people avoided going outside. Other fators include the suspension of a
appreciation. Private consumption grew at a slower rate than in the first half of the year, especially spending on durable goods in line with a contraction in domestic vehicle sales. In response, the government
l'Immobilier Durable • Oliver Rapf, Executive Director, Buildings Performance Institute Europe • Alex Rathmell, Director, EEVS Insight • Victor Rojas, Project Lead, Investor Confidence Project (Environmental
durable goods. The Thai economy hence showed ongoing improvement from the first quarter. Nonetheless, the economic expansion, which was still limited and uneven, affected the performance of KBank and our
และบำรใ์ตน้ ้ำ แห่งแรกในภูมภิำคเอเชยีที่ใหบ้ริกำรในรูปแบบรำ้นอำหำร Fine-Dining ที่หรูหรำและมี สไตล์ รวมทัง้ 4D Trick Eye Museum “Augmented Reality Art Museum” พิพิธภัณฑ์ ภำพ 4 มติ ิแหง่แรกของโลกซึง่ตัง้
better in some products, especially durable goods, but overall purchasing power remained fragile overall. Both household and industry sentiment remained somber, indicating that the Thai economic recovery
consumption, albeit expanding, began to exhibit decelerating growth following a recent ramp-up in spending on durable goods. Likewise, private investment remained weak pending more apparent signs of economic
tourist arrivals and tourism receipts, as well as manufacturing production. Meanwhile, private consumption continued to expand, which was derived mainly from increased expenditures on durable goods