example is climate change risk and opportunity. The Ceres-led Carbon Asset Risk Initiative is posing tough questions to fossil fuel–based energy majors about their risk scenarios, and plans to devote new
i SUSTAINABLE FINANCE INITIATIVES FOR THAILAND In collaboration with Sustainable Finance Initiatives for Thailand P a g e | 2 Contents 1. Foreword ................................................................................................................................................ 3 2. Executive Summary .............................................................................................................................. 5 3. Background and Motivations for Developing the Initiat...
revenue decreased by 5.3% from 3Q17 due to a decrease in revenue from Education Business and revenue recognition from leased right assignment in the same period last year. Earnings before Interest, Taxes
and system development for the company. The details on above transaction assignment were as follows : (1) Transaction date : January 1 - December 31, 2019 (2) Transaction parties involved Service
Commercial Coordination Co., Ltd., who is a connected party to be responsible for sales management and system development for the company. The details on above transaction assignment were as follows : (1
exceeding 245 Indian Rupees (two hundred forty-five million Indian Rupees). 2. Approved the assignment of authorized directors or the person assigned by the said directors has the power to negotiate
without the company's assignment, under which {A} failed to record his investment advice given to two clients. In addition, {A}, knowing that {B} was neither the SEC-approved investment analyst nor
mutual fund shall contain at least the following details: (1) assignment of work related to investment to other persons (if any). In this regard, the scope of the assignment and the name of the assignee
the recognition of lease right assignment fee albeit a drop in room revenue from lower room inventory due to room renovations of Dusit Thani Laguna Phuket, Dusit Thani Pattaya and Dusit Thani Manila
เพลิงจากฟอสซิล (Fossil Fuel) เป็นต้น ทัง้นี ้จะ รวมถึงธุรกิจท่ีกองทนุหลกัเช่ือว่ามีแนวทางการดําเนินธุรกิจท่ีไม่สอดคล้องกบัแนวทาง ความยัง่ยืน 2. ESG Intergration : กองทนุหลกัจะผนวกปัจจยัด้าน ESG ใช้ใน