January Subject To : Enclosu The Bo “Compa resoluti 1. A C 1 1 E 2. A r y 16, 2018 t : Notificat of New D Director an The Stock E ures : 1. Fo A 2. In (a oard of Dire any”) No. 1 ions as follo Acknowledg Committee a 1.1 Ms.Pi 1.2 Mr.Su Effective fro Approved t replace the 2.1 Ms. Comm 2.2 Mr. S tion on the Directors, a nd Manager Exchange o orm for Re Audit Comm nformation M amended No ectors’ meet 1/2018 (the ows, ged the resi as follows: ichitra Mah umate Sang om January the appointm resig...
สารสนเทศรายการได้มาซึง่สินทรัพย์ บริษัท บางกอก เดค-คอน จํากดั (มหาชน) (BKD) - หน้า 1 - Information Memorandum on Acquisition of Assets Reference is made to the fact that Board of Directors’ Meeting No. 2/2018 of Bangkok Dec-con Public Company Limited (the “Company” or “BKD”), which was convened on Feburary 22, 2018 resolved to approve the acquisition of the Project, Production and distribution of water supply to some part of Phuket and Phang- Nga that operate by Gold Shores Company Limited (GS)...
the standard and code of ethics by promoting compliance culture to strengthen confidence of client and the industry. Guidelines 1. The management should arrange to have strategic plan, policy and
the policy, law including the standard and code of ethics by promoting compliance culture to strengthen confidence of client and the industry. Guidelines 1. The management should arrange to have
’ confidence on financial reporting and further strengthen the effectiveness and robustness of the audit regulatory environment in Thailand. • The SEC, the Malaysia Audit Oversight Board (“AOB”) and the
(มหาชน) CPN 39,500 2,123,125.00 1.87 พลังงานและสาธารณูปโภค บริษัท บานปู จํากัด (มหาชน) BANPU 657,200 7,229,200.00 6.38 บริษัท ปตท. จํากัด (มหาชน) PTT 184,000 7,038,000.00 6.21 บริษัท โกลบอล เพาเวอร ซิน
2,194,500.00 2.01 บริการรับเหมากอสราง บริษัท ซีวิลเอนจีเนียริง จํากัด (มหาชน) CIVIL 71,100 327,060.00 0.30 พลังงานและสาธารณูปโภค บริษัท ปตท. จํากัด (มหาชน) PTT 160,900 6,275,100.00 5.76 บริษัท กัลฟ เอ็นเนอร
Billboards, Nationwide Billboards and PTT Posters (Billboard in PTT Jiffy gas station) with the total billboards of over 1,229 panels installed at key strategic locations where heavy traffic congestions and
;$,%IIM ก () (EGCO) - 18,700 3,721,300.00 3.04 2.98 3$4 8,. ก () (PTT) - 27,400 10,192,800.00 8.33 8.17 FOOD & BEVERAGES 4,436,575.00 3.63 3.56 3$4 %