ความเส่่ย์งทุางกาย์ภาพื่ (“physical risk”) ทุ่เก่ย์วข้้องกับ climate change และผู้ลกระทุบทุ่อาจเกิดข้ึนกับทุรัพื่ย์์ส่ินประเภทุต้่าง ๆ (“asset classes”) ทุังในระย์ะส่ัน และระย์ะย์าว ต้ัวอย์่างแนวปฏิิ
percentage of the Company Net Tangible Assets (NTA), total transaction is 64.21 million baht or 0.45% which more than 0.03% but less than 3% of NTA of the Company. So this transaction is the connected
tangible assets (“NTA”) based on the Company’s consolidated financial statement as of December 31, 2017 audited by the auditor. The size of transaction is more than Baht 1 Million but less than Baht 20
Tangible Asset) 5.39% This connected transaction will have the transaction size of 5.39 % of the net tangible asset (NTA) of the Company. The size of this transaction is more than 3% of the NTA of the
calculation are as follows: Calculation Transaction size 41.55 MB (Consideration value) 771.45 MB (The Company Net Tangible Asset) 5.39% This connected transaction will have the transaction size of 5.39 % of
million, or less than 3% of net tangible assets (NTA), whichever may be lower. Such 3% of NTA value by the company as of December 31, 2017, stood at Baht 171.83 million. Accordingly, said transaction volume
Non-Executive Director of AEON System The measurement of total transactions By measurement in percentage of the Company Net Tangible Assets (NTA), total transaction is 47.95 million baht or 0.39% which
-Executive Director of AEON System The measurement of total transactions By measurement in percentage of the Company Net Tangible Assets (NTA), total transaction is 31.91 million baht or 0.24% which more than
measurement of total transactions By measurement in percentage of the Company Net Tangible Assets (NTA), total transaction is 300.8 million JPY or 92 million baht or 0.67% which more than 0.03% but less than 3
ขอ้งและญาติสนิทของ บุคคลดงักล่าว 4.3) ขนาดรายการ : ขนาดรายการมีค่าเท่ากบัร้อยละ 0.43 ของมูลค่าสินทรัพยท่ี์มีตวั ตนสุทธิ (Net Tangible Assets)โดยค านวณจากงบการเงินรวม ของบริษทัฯ และบริษทัยอ่ย ท่ีไดรั้บกา