Company will purchase IGE’s existing ordinary share from ES after the approval of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No.1/2018 to be held on June15, 2018 to issue and offer new ordinary
) shareholders? meeting pursuant to the SEC's order, and (3) establishment of the Capital Market Development Fund (CMDF). The draft amendments under public consultation can be summarized as follows: (1
and Mission The SEC’s vision, mission and objectives aim at supervising and developing the capital market to be efficient, transparent, inclusive, reliable, and in accordance with international
excellent platform to integrate IVL’s existing specialties business with Sinterama’s strong production base. The highly complementary portfolio, customer base and geographical footprint of the two companies
with the laws governing corporate conduct.Such regulations will be enforced on new comers who apply for the licenses and existing digital asset business operators before the royal decree on digital
Under the existing regulations, each business operator allows to prepare the customer complaints’ handling report in its own style and classify the type of complaints as it deems appropriate. Such
Currently, the existing regulations require that the foreign issuer of baht bonds comply with the approval and disclosure rules in the same manner as other types of bonds. Additionally, to issue and
) ในไตรมำส 2/2563 บรษัิท อนิเด็กซ ์ลฟิวิง่มอลล ์จ ำกดั (มหำชน) (“บรษิทัฯ” หรอื “ILM”) ยังสำมำรถท ำก ำไรได ้แม ้ ตอ้งปิดสำขำส่วนใหญ่ของ Index Living Mall, The Walk และ Little Walk ตั ้งแต่วันที่ 22 มีนำคม
นบำท ลดลง 10.4% YoY โดยมสีำเหตหุลักมำจำกรำยไดจ้ำกกำรขำยสนิคำ้ทีล่ดลง 9.7% YoY จำกกำรปิด สำขำส่วนใหญ่ของ Index Living Mall ตัง้แต่วันที่ 22 มีนำคม 2563 ตำมประกำศค ำสั่งปิดสถำนที่เป็นกำร ชัว่ครำวตำมจังหวดั
Offering) with the following details (a) offered the ratio of 3.89 existing shares to 1 newly issued shares at the offering price of THB 1 per share. Any fraction of shares shall be rounded down; (b) if