Miss Kantima Rodsatru (Daughter of one of the GS’s ultimate shareholders) which is not a connected person of the Company. The Detail of this transaction are • Purchase of ordinary shares of High East
”) held on April 5, 2019, approved the acquisition of ordinary shares of Universal Waste Management Company Limited (“UWM” or the “Target”), formerly named Asia Recycle Holding Company Limited, by Ferrum
) Comprising 10,000 ordinary shares at the value of 100 THB per share Investment Proportion: 50% of registered capital Shareholding Structure: 1. L.P.N. Development Public Co., Ltd. 49% 2. Nye Estate Co., Ltd
ordinary shares of WICE Logistics (Hong Kong) Limited in the proportion of 80% of the total ordinary shares. And on September 14, 2018, the Company has purchased ordinary shares of Euro Asia Total Logistics
Shareholders : As at 29 December, 2017, the registered capital of Rajthanee Rojana Hospital is THB 270,000,000 which divided into 27,000,000 ordinary shares, at the par value of THB 10 each. As at 29 December
Baht 392,100,000, divided into 3,921,000 ordinary shares with the par value of Baht 100 each. The shares are fully paid-up. The details of the shareholders are: Page 14 of 18 1. The Company holding
) (32.7) 88.1 (120.8) (25.6) 21.1 (46.7) Net profit from ordinary activities attributable to the parent 291.9 264.6 284.1 253.0 (31.1) (10.9%) 1,256.3 1,093.6 (162.7) (13.0%) Financial Performance of the
shares from the former shareholder of Smart Traffic Co., Ltd in year 2016. 3 . Profit from the sale of fund invested in the associated company was Baht 7.13 million. The Company sold the ordinary shares of
which is an affiliatein Singapore at par value: 140,000 ordinary shares at 1 SGD each, total of 140,000 SGD Consequently, Legacy was no more subsidiary of NCL which no longer absorbs the costs
to the parent 275.0 255.2 (19.8) (7.2%) Add (less): Loss/gain from extraordinary items* 16.9 (89.1) (106.0) Net profit from ordinary activities attributable to the 291.9 166.1 (125.8) (43.1%) Financial