mutual fund whose returns calculation is made in a complicated way (complex return fund); (4) investment units of a mutual fund whose net exposure in commodities is made through its investment in commodity
mutual fund whose returns calculation is made in a complicated way (complex return fund); (4) investment units of a mutual fund whose net exposure in commodities is made through its investment in commodity
fund of which the returns calculation is made in a complicated way (complex return fund); (d) investment units of a mutual fund of which the fund's net exposure in commodities is made through its
Commission concerning Additional Rules for Mutual Fund Investing in Derivatives and Credit Linked Notes; (c) investment units of a mutual fund of which the returns calculation is made in a complicated way
countries with high grid emissions can be higher than for ICE vehicles. Incorporating this issue into Standard criteria for private vehicles would be complicated by having to account for grid emissions in not
complicated, then the Company can control the risk. - Risk of sale of product. Due to the new production line, the Company will have a higher volume of finished goods. Therefore, the sale of fast-growing
แฮนซท์ เอไอ 1YA ห้ามขายผู้ลงทุนรายย่อย SCB Fixed Income Enhanced Fund 1YA Not for Retail Investors (SCBEAI1YA) “ผู้ลงทุนไม่สามารถขายคืนหน่วยลงทุนนี้ในช่วงเวลา 1 ปีได้ และกองทุนนี้ลงทุนกระจุกตัวในผู้ออก และ
- 5G technology is expected to significantly enhance the capability of Thailand’s mobile network, providing more and quicker connections across the economy. Enhanced connectivity will unlock potential in
-Based Product business which enhanced from the amalgamation under BBGI Plc. in Q4/2017. While revenue from petroleum related businesses increased slightly YoY, however slipped QoQ due to the decrease in
year- end 2020 or Q1/2021 and there could be a downward pressure to the selling price, the profits could be enhanced, and eventually, the turnaround time could be shortened. 4.2 COVID-19 Impact For the