along with a continue growth momentum in mobile revenue. • Mobile revenue was at Bt30,775mn, increasing by 4.3% YoY due to ARPU improvements from package restructuring aimed at profitability and enhanced
spending and large cloud projects. AIS enterprise continue the focus on core connectivity products, strengthened through partnerships aimed at delivering higher returns in targeted industries. Market and
global economies and may lead to economic recession. Meanwhile, managing loan quality and NPL will continue to be major challenges, especially during the economic downturn. However, with a relatively high
commercial bank lending increased from the previous quarter and showed sign of improvement in line with the economic condition. However, commercial banks remained cautious in lending as their continue concern
in budget disbursement. As the momentum from the above mentions, the Thai economy in 2018 was expected to continue expanding which the Bank of Thailand revised up the growth forecast to 4.4 percent (as
in budget disbursement. As the momentum from the above mentions, the Thai economy in 2018 was expected to continue expanding which the Bank of Thailand revised up the growth forecast to 4.4 percent (as
should continue to be accommodative so that the economic growth could continue and translate into the strengthening of domestic demand. Notwithstanding this, there are pockets of risks, such as debt
เสี่ยงที่กระทบต่อฐานะทางการเงินหรือสภาพคล่องของบริษัท จึงมีอยู่อย่างจำกัด ทั้งนี้ เพื่อให้สอดคล้องกับหลักการกำกับดูแล prudential risk ของบริษัทหลักทรัพย์ตามแนว Risk-Based Approach ซึ่งระบุอยู่ในคู่มือ
ทั้งน้ี เพื่อใหส้อดคลอ้งกบัหลกัการก ากบัดูแล prudential risk ของบริษทัหลกัทรัพย์ ตามแนว Risk-Based Approach ซ่ึงระบุอยูใ่นคู่มือกรรมการของบริษทัหลกัทรัพย ์ ผูป้ระกอบธุรกิจ ท่ีมีความประสงคจ์ะช าระคืนหน้ี
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