แวดล้อม สังคม และธรรมาภิบาล (Environmental, Social and Governance: ESG) ซ่ึงผ่านกระบวนการวิเคราะห์การลงทุนแบบ ESG Integration มุ่งหวังให้ผลประกอบการสูงกว่าดัชนีช้ีวัด (Active Management) บริษัทหลักทรัพย์
% from AEON Insurance Service (Thailand) Co., Ltd. and collection service income of 234 million baht, increasing by 12% from last year from ACS Servicing (Thailand) Co., Ltd. accordingly and others. The
e 7,187.6 m y has highe expansion lection and onths end, a or an incre collection Company ha d services i f 2017 was ncrease from ss. as in the co ht, an addit year. For 9- Chan MB 45.4 21.5 24.6 32.1
Thailand, the Company had commission income of 362 million baht, increasing by 3% y-y from AEON Insurance Service (Thailand) Co., Ltd. and collection service income of 172 million baht, decreasing by 5% y-y
(Thailand) Co., Ltd. and collection service income of 266 million baht, increasing by 14% from last year from ACS Servicing (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Expenses The Company’s expenses mainly consist of operating
. The average collection period as at the end of this quarter was 95 days compared to 139 days as of 31 December 2018. The increase in average collection period was because of Trans.Ad Group ‘s
Insurance Service (Thailand) Company Limited (“AIS”) Non-life and Life Insurance Broker 100% 3). ACS Servicing (Thailand) Company Limited (“ACSS”) Collection Service 100% 4.) AEON Microfinance (Myanmar
รอบ 90 ปี ซึง สิ น ค้า ที อ อ ก ใ ห ม่ นี ค ร อ บ ค ลุ ม ใ น ทุ ก ก ลุ่ ม ลู ก ค้ า เ ช่ น CENTENNIAL JUBILEE 9 0 FACTES, 90th ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION, EVENTAIL, THE EXCELLENCE OF 1 9 , THE YELLOW
. However, based on the trading history from such customers, the company had never experienced any bad debts or uncollected amounts. As of 9 August 2018, the Company partly received the collection from such
collection at the end of 2017. However, compared with 2016, the Group’s total current assets increased such trade and other receivables by 40.57 Million Baht. And unbilled receivables increased by 38.63