generated more electricity than the previous year. 2.2.2 The profit of SouthEast Asia Energy Limited, a joint venture in the portion of 33.33 percent, increased in the amount of Baht 158.21 million due to the
Q1’2018 (2.87 Baht/KWh in Q1’2017 and 2.85 Baht/KWh in Q4’2017) because the energy payment is indexed to the price of natural gas for which slightly increased to 237.21 Baht/mmBtu in Q1’2018 (232.68 Baht
of UWC at introductory price in total of Baht 851,200,000 (Eight hundred fifty one million two hundred thousand Bath) to Absolute Clean Energy Public Company Limited (“ACE”) and/or its subsidiaries
1) assemblage of parts and 2) machinery for generating energy, changing or transmitting energy. These benefits will be recognized over a 5-years period starting from 2020. The tax benefit in 2020 was
investment decisions and monitoring. 34 >> Consider including metrics on climate- related risks associated with water, energy, land use, and waste management where relevant and applicable. Metrics and Targets
การขายไฟฟ้าลดลงร้อยละ 45 จากการหยุดซ่อมบ ารุงตามแผนประมาณ 1 เดือนในไตรมาสที่ 4 ปี 2560 ส่งผลให้ทั้งรายได้ค่าความพร้อมจ่าย (Availability Payment: AP) และ รายได้ค่าพลังงานไฟฟ้า (Energy Payment: EP) ปรับ
limited to: energy capacity installed, electricity generated, greenhouse gas emissions performance of buildings, number of passengers carried by public transport, number of electric vehicles manufactured
แม้ว่ำรำยได้รวมจะลดลงร้อยละ 11 จำกกำรลดลงของรำยได้ค่ำพลังงำนไฟฟ้ำ (Energy Payment: EP) ท่ีได้รับจำก กฟผ. ตำมปริมำณกำรเรียกรับไฟฟ้ำเข้ำระบบ แต่จำกกำรท่ีอัตรำค่ำควำมพร้อมจ่ำย (Availability Rate) และอัตรำค่ำ
. Two investors are strategic investor and also have extensive investment experience in energy company, alternative energy company, a good understanding of the businesses operated by the Company, and also
energy company, alternative energy company, a good understanding of the businesses operated by the Company, and also have experience in investments in a wide range of industries. Their investment policy