. Nature and Scope of Interest of the Connected Person EASTW is the major shareholder of UU and holds 50,999,993 shares, equivalent to 99.99% of the paid-up capital of UU. PWA is the major shareholder of
เชี่ยวชาญและ ประสบการณ์ในสิ่งที่ตนประเมิน และให้ issuer เปิดเผย credential และ scope ในกำร review ผ่ำนทำงเว็บไซต์ ของ issuer หรือช่องทำงอ่ืนใดที่ issuer เห็นสมควร เพื่อให้ผู้ลงทุนทราบตลอดอายุของตราสารหนี
-related costs to support the expansion of the team as the number and scope of services increased. These additional services had been in operation since June 2023 and started materially generating revenue in
, 2015. During such period, both executives are barred from performing duties as management and advisor to the company or working in any other capacity within the scope of duties of capital market
working in any other capacity within the scope of duties of capital market personnel. The said actions of both executives were in violation of Section 283 of the SEA, which was the result of the company
responsible agencies according to the legislative procedure. (Details in Attachment 2) 4. Scope of exempted private funds/investment advisory businesses To increase flexibility in outbound investments for
16 any’s directo ependent D mittee ector s and memb m January 17 as Indep aphon rector to rep Resignation tment of Ass Scope of P osal for Bus Public Com 6, 2018 has ors and cha Director and ber of the
16 any’s directo ependent D mittee ector s and memb m January 17 as Indep aphon rector to rep Resignation tment of Ass Scope of P osal for Bus Public Com 6, 2018 has ors and cha Director and ber of the
16 any’s directo ependent D mittee ector s and memb m January 17 as Indep aphon rector to rep Resignation tment of Ass Scope of P osal for Bus Public Com 6, 2018 has ors and cha Director and ber of the
Acquisition of Disposal of Assets. From calculation the transaction found that size of transaction according to Net Tangible Assets Basis is highest equivalent to 19.88%, which the scope of transaction type 2