register with the EU audit regulators, thus facilitating foreign listings in the EU and reducing costs for Thai companies. G loba l accep t ance 13 In de pe nd en t Au di t In sp ec ti on A ct iv it ie s Re
(มหาชน) CPN 39,500 2,123,125.00 1.87 พลังงานและสาธารณูปโภค บริษัท บานปู จํากัด (มหาชน) BANPU 657,200 7,229,200.00 6.38 บริษัท ปตท. จํากัด (มหาชน) PTT 184,000 7,038,000.00 6.21 บริษัท โกลบอล เพาเวอร ซิน
2,194,500.00 2.01 บริการรับเหมากอสราง บริษัท ซีวิลเอนจีเนียริง จํากัด (มหาชน) CIVIL 71,100 327,060.00 0.30 พลังงานและสาธารณูปโภค บริษัท ปตท. จํากัด (มหาชน) PTT 160,900 6,275,100.00 5.76 บริษัท กัลฟ เอ็นเนอร
Billboards, Nationwide Billboards and PTT Posters (Billboard in PTT Jiffy gas station) with the total billboards of over 1,229 panels installed at key strategic locations where heavy traffic congestions and
;$,%IIM ก () (EGCO) - 18,700 3,721,300.00 3.04 2.98 3$4 8,. ก () (PTT) - 27,400 10,192,800.00 8.33 8.17 FOOD & BEVERAGES 4,436,575.00 3.63 3.56 3$4 %
5,594,400.00 2.55 2.51 8*9% +3&< ก () (IRPC) - 1,194,500 8,421,225.00 3.83 3.78 8*9% :0%. ก () (PTT) - 34,800 15,312,000.00 6.97 6.87 8*9% +% >3 ก () (TOP) - 81,800 8,466,300.00 3.86 3.80 FOOD & BEVERAGES
of January 31, 2017 is due to reducing in retain earnings of which used for clearing the internal debt between CRSB and FKRMM. 2) Transaction’s size based on net operating profits Net operating profits
of January 31, 2017 is due to reducing in retain earnings of which used for clearing the internal debt between CRSB and FKRMM. 2) Transaction’s size based on net operating profits Net operating profits
as of August 31, 2017 NTA of FKRMM as of August 31, 2017 is less than NTA as of January 31, 2017 is due to reducing in retain earnings of which used for clearing the internal debt between CRSB and