person to revise its operation within the period of time specified by the Office and such registration shall be deemed valid until the Office orders otherwise. In cases where the Office declines to grant a
person to revise its operation within the period of time specified by the Office and such registration shall be deemed valid until the Office orders otherwise. In cases where the Office declines to grant a
_______________________________________________________________ Note: The rationale for issuing this Notification is to revise the rules on qualifications of applicant for approval of fund manager whose approval is based on their holding of executive positions
. Currently the plan for new project development is being revised (Revise Project Concept) to find out the best way to maximize profit from the project. Afterward the Project Master Budget will be prepared for
กำรใหม่บนที่ดินอ่อนนชุเพื่อเป็น กำรสร้ำงภำพลกัษณ์ให้กบับริษัทฯ ปัจจบุนัแผนในกำรพฒันำโครงกำรใหม่ อยู่ในขัน้ตอนของกำรปรับ แบบโครงกำร (Revise Project Concept) เพื่อหำแนวทำงที่จะท ำก ำไรจำกโครงกำรได้ดีที่
) Secretary-General The Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission ______________________________________________________________________ Remark: The rationale for issuing this Notification is to revise
and Exchange Commission _______________________________________________________________ Note : The rationale for issuing this Notification is to revise the rules on qualifications of applicant for
delegated by the Board of Directors, to determine, amend, change, and/or add any details, conditions, and procedures necessary for or relevant to the bidding and/or the disposal of assets of the Company
allocation of newly-issued shares in S-TREK, amendment of capital increase and allocation of newly-issued shares agenda as per details in clause 2., the Board of Directors’ Meeting has approved to amend the
to amend the agenda of 2019 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be in line with the postponement of investment in S-TREK and capital increase and allocation of newly-issued shares in relation to