PSTC 197,964,040 8.34605 PT 5,634,701 1.98483 PTC 634,304 0.15471 PTECH 13,906 0.00568 PTG 34,436,449 2.06206 PTL 22,527,010 2.50300 PTT 32,627,844 0.11423 PTTEP 1,413,922 0.03562 PTTGC 31,298,850
PSL 39,105,505 2.50790 PSP 83,763,402 5.98310 PSTC 227,999,588 9.61233 PT 7,780,568 2.74071 PTC 737,503 0.17988 PTECH 13,906 0.00568 PTG 30,080,222 1.80121 PTL 23,638,664 2.62652 PTT 39,019,523 0.13661
23,774,303 2.64159 PTT 33,318,567 0.11665 PTTEP 1,530,288 0.03855 PTTGC 37,937,146 0.84139 PYLON 4,649,201 0.62000 Q-CON 738,789 0.18470 QH 471,089,251 4.39679 QHHRREIT 3,269,015 0.97292 QHOP 2,144,200 1.12086
: Disclosure rates for TCFD indicators. Question 42 separates each of the TCFD requirements to assess which elements a company provides adequate disclosure against. Case Study 1 is from PTT Global Chemical PCL
a fast- developing company and its industrial sector is growing at a jumping rate, therefore the investment is expected to provide the cashflow sustainability. Company shall position itself at a
to the new production line, the Company will have a higher volume of finished goods. Therefore, the sale of fast-growing products may not be as expected. However, the Company has prepared the sales
higher volume of finished goods. Therefore, the sale of fast-growing products may not be as expected. However, the Company has prepared the sales plan concisely and in advance. There are some target
ถวนตามคูมือสําหรับประชาชนแลว ใหสํานักงานพิจารณาตามหลักเกณฑและระยะเวลา ดังตอไปน้ี (1) การพิจารณาคําขออนุญาตกรณีเรงดวน (fast track) ผูขออนุญาตตองมีลักษณะ ตามหลักเกณฑในขอ 27 โดยใหสํานักงาน
” which allows for fast track approval from Host Regulator. To contribute collaboration and cooperation amongst ACMF members, the Securities and Exchange Commission Thailand, the Securities Commission
2 of Clause 67 shall be applied: 15 (1) fast track case, the applicant shall be qualified in accordance with the rules in Clause 23(2) and (3) and the SEC Office shall proceed in accordance with the