, 2018, primarily due to an increase in performance- based bonus payments to employees in accordance bonus policy, record of increased employee expenses in accordance with the Notification of State
จะเป็นไปตำม Winding -up Directive for credit institutions ซ่ึงหลกักำรโดยทัว่ไปของ Directive ดงักล่ำวจะก ำหนดใหใ้ชก้ฎหมำยลม้ละลำยของประเทศท่ี ส ำนกังำนใหญ่ไดรั้บอนุญำตใหป้ระกอบธุรกิจ (home member state
due to higher investment in Thai government and state enterprise securities, and partly due to an increase in the value of domestic marketable equity securities. Most investments were in Thai government
, electronic media and internet for advertising and public relations for any person, body of persons, juristic person, government agency and state enterprise 32 To carry on the business of advertising agency
public relations for any person, body of persons, juristic person, government agency and state enterprise 32 To carry on the business of advertising agency, digital media, advertisement, printing
United State were decrease, however, there were significantly revenue increase from three new stores opened in Thailand which are Silom Soi 1, Suvarnabhumi Airport 1, and Suvarnabhumi Airport 2. . As of 31
effect elapsed that led the weather situation back to normal state, and consequence to the continuous growth of palm oil inventory. Furthermore, some countries have raised import duties for palm oil which
party. 2 When reporting the acquisition of convertible securities, please state the number of units for all types and series of convertible securities (if there are several types, combine the information
person (2) Person under Section 258 of the reporting person; and (3) Person under Section 258 of the concert party. 2 When reporting the acquisition of convertible securities, please state the number of
convertible securities, please state the number of units for all types and series of convertible securities (if there are several types, combine the information into one report). 3 In respect of convertible