plaintiff's cost and attorney fees of THB 10,000, instead of the plaintiff. At present, the court has issued a enforcement order to prepare for seizure following the procedure. 1.2 Muse Group Bangkok Company
), to offset the impact of the tightened liquidity. Overall, loans of Thai commercial banks, both corporate and retail loans, were hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to this, the Bank of
. Pimauma Jakrajutatip who neither were present nor offered any opinion on this agenda item. Opinion of the Board of Directors : The execution of such connected transaction with JKN Landmark Co., Ltd., as the
receive the allocation of the newly issued ordinary shares this time wishing to nominate the company will present the matter to the Board of Directors meeting and / or the shareholders' meeting for further
receive the allocation of the newly issued ordinary shares this time wishing to nominate the company will present the matter to the Board of Directors meeting and / or the shareholders' meeting for further
decrease 11 Million Baht. Gross Profit for DDUS was 260 Million Baht representing 7% decrease in gross profit versus prior year due to a challenging US retail environment higher food costs, changing product
or 45% of revenue which slightly decrease 11 Million Baht. Gross Profit for DDUS was 260 Million Baht representing 7% decrease in gross profit versus prior year due to a challenging US retail
of the Thai baht is making exports more challenging competitively and we are seeing some volumes repatriated on the Thai market increasing domestic competition. Revenue realized per unit product sold
more challenging for the global steel industry participants in all the regions. Careful estimation for raw material purchasing and production cost management is seriously needed in order to cope with the
(hard copy) ตามคู่มือสำหรับประชาชน ให้ครบถ้วนภายใน 30 วันนับแต่วันที่สำนักงาน ก.ล.ต. เห็นชอบการลงทะเบียนบัญชีผู้ใช้งานนติิ บุคคลหรือคณะบุคคลกรณีเร่งด่วน สำนักงาน ก.ล.ต. จึงจะพิจารณาการลงทะเบียนบัญชีผู้ใช้