voters who subscribe Transport News Intl website, and selected industry professionals to place a vote. 5. The Company received “Best Regional Airline 2017 Award” at the 28th Annual TTG Travel Awards 2017
. The winner award is selected on merit from the judging panel together with the voters who subscribe Transport News Intl website, and selected industry professionals to place a vote. 12. The Company
description of the nature of the control, including the amount and proportion of capital held by each of them that confers a right to vote. In addition, disclose any arrangement known to the issuer that may, at
Award was voted by consumers throughout Thailand, marketers and journalists and a final vote was made by Superbrands council of judges from a list of over 500 leading organizations in Thailand. 7. In the
of the total votes cast by the shareholders attending the Meeting and eligible to vote, without counting the votes cast by interested shareholders. 4. Details of the assets to be acquired (1
of the total votes cast by the shareholders attending the Meeting and eligible to vote, without counting the votes cast by interested shareholders. 4. Details of the assets to be acquired (1
into of the transaction shall be passed by votes of no less than three-quarters of the total votes cast by the shareholders attending the Meeting and eligible to vote, without counting the votes cast by
เสียงเลือกตั้ง ตองเปนวิธีใดวิธี หนึ่ง คือ (1) 1 share 1 vote หรือ (2) cumulative voting 2. การใหสิทธิแกผูถือหุนในการถอดถอน กรรมการ - ใหสิทธิผูถือหุนในการลงมติใหกรรมการลาออก กอนครบวาระได โดยได
อ่ืน เช่น การเพิ่มค่าธรรมเนียมและค่าใชจ่้ายของ class นั้น ตอ้งไดรั้บคะแนนเสียง ของผูถื้อหน่วยลงทุนเกินก่ึงหน่ึงของจ านวนหน่วยลงทุนทั้งหมดของ class นั้น 2.2.3 การนบั vote ของผูถื้อหน่วยลงทุนและกลุ่มบุคคล
spending rewards points (November 2019) 10. The Company received the Superbrands Thailand 2018 Award. The Award was voted by consumers throughout Thailand, marketers and journalists and a final vote was made