% Sales Domestic Sales 71.0 88.4 (19.7) Export Sales 205.1 295.8 (30.7) Total Sales 276.1 384.2 (28.2) Foreign Exchange Gain - 3.3 (100.0) Other Income 1.0 1.8 (41.7) Total Revenues 277.1 389.3 (28.8) Ocean
returning digital television license of Baht 331.35 million, gain on disposal of investment in associate amounting to Baht 180.36 million and impairment losses on assets and the allowance for doubtful
profit 427.9 354.5 73.4 20.7 Net gain (loss) on exchange rate 112.2 (28.3) 140.5 N.A. (>100) Gain on forward contracts 49.5 - 49.5 N.A. (>100) Other income 173.0 14.1 158.9 1,127.0 Profit before expenses
subsidiaries (“the Group”) as follow: * Extraordinary items from non-operating, consists of unrealized gain (loss) on exchange rate of receivable under finance lease and gain (loss) on forward contracts
% Net profit (loss) Attributable to Equity Holders Margin (%) 3.1% 6.4% -3.3% Net profit (loss) attributable to equity holders (Exclude Gain (Loss) on exchange rate) 212.1 431.7 -219.6 -50.9% Net profit
% (3,634.8) (3,562.1) (2.0%) Gross profit 458.7 398.2 462.0 16.0% 0.7% 1,346.5 1,210.2 (10.1%) Net gain (loss) on exchange rate 40.5 16.4 (190.7) N.A. N.A. 85.8 (79.9) N.A. Gain (loss) on forward contracts
1, 2020 The Company increased its paid- up capital from Baht 15,075 million to Baht 16,160 million by offering common shares for capital gain 217 million shares, Baht 5 per share, totaling Baht
18.0 4.7 Gain on sales of investment in Subsidiaries 474 3.9 - - - - N/A N/A Tax assessment expenses (992) (8.1) - - - - N/A N/A Net profit 843 6.9 1,329 11.8 1,348 11.1 (36.6) (37.5) EPS (Baht) 0.68
3,903 3,681 222 6.0% Sales and service income 3,628 3,588 40 1.1% Other income 127 92 35 38.0% Gain on disposal of investment 147 - 147 100% Cost of sales and services 3,400 3,351 49 1.5% SG&A expenses
17.58% 12.45 (317.64) 330.09 103.92% Non-operating income/expense Loss in impairment of assets (45.43) (124.62) 79.18 63.54% (Gain)/Loss from impairment of investment - (69.87) 69.87 100.00% (Gain)/Loss