สูง ความเสี่ยง สูงและยอมรับการขาดทุนไดใน significant portion 1-9
classified as a transaction under the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board Announcement Tor Jor. 20/2551 regarding the regulation on significant transactions subjecting to be an acquisition or
a transaction under the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board Announcement Tor Jor. 20/2551 regarding the regulation on significant transactions subjecting to be an acquisition or
of the significant preceding conditions specified in the agreements and expected to be completed by November - December 2019. The detail of the transaction are as follows: Related Parties Buyer
%) Revenue from sales and services The Company’s total revenue for 3rd Quarter 2019 increased by THB 0.48 million Baht or equivalent to 0.60% increase from the same period last year. The significant revenue
million baht, decreased 7.5 million baht or 12.7 percent. The significant results are as follows: Consolidated sales and service income for the third quarter 2019 was 209.1 million baht compared to 293.3
transaction is regarded as the acquisition of assets transaction according to the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board no. Tor Jor 20/2551: Rules on Significant Transactions Constituting
2018), all due to the significant changes as follows: 1. Total revenue from sale of goods in the number of 2,427.7 million Baht decreased by 312.8 million Baht or 11.4% from the previous fiscal year. The
million or 0.01 Baht per share, representing a total increase in profit of Baht 24.31 million or 291% of the previous year mainly came from the significant transactions as below : 1. The gross profit of
not a significant difference. 1.3 Cost of services Unit : Million Baht March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019 Increase (Decrease) Amount % Dentist remuneration 54.11 55.47 (1.36) (2.44) Rental of office and